BHPS Success at KCPA AV!

October 15, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The Form of Ferrari by Richard Martin


BHPS had a very successful day at this year’s KCPA Annual Audio Visual Competition held at Leybourne Village Hall. The judge for the day was Gerald Kitiyakara LRPS.  The competition attracted 44 entries from 29 members. Richard Martin’s “Ferrari under the Skin”,  a record of a visit to an exhibition in London of Ferrari cars,  gained him the “Best Sound” award. Peter Allen’s moving tribute to his brother “Bring Him Home” was chosen by the audience for the “Audience Vote”. Roger Stevens won the “Best Audio Visual" 2nd prize for his “Royal Hospital for Seamen Chapel”.                                                                               This revealed the architecture and history of the Old Royal Naval College Chapel in Greenwich.  

Bring Him Home by Peter Allen The Chapel of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, Greenwich by Roger Stevens




Richard Martin, Peter Allen and Roger Stevens with the KCPA President Tracy Hughes LRPS as they received their awards. Warmest congratulations to all!





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