Film Noir Sam by Ron Jarvis
I’m Tougher Than I Look by Wayne Daniels
Ural Owl in Flight by Bill Metson
Indian Elephant Dust Bath by Richard Winston
Sad News by Richard Winston
The 20 pointers were aided and abetted in no small measure by photos from Sue North, Janet Kent, Paul Adams and Paul Bather.
Film Noir Sam
I'm tougher Than I look
Ural Owl in Flight
Indian Elephant Dust Bath
Sad News
It was also pleasing to see a large cohort of BHPS members at the event which was judged, obviously very well, by Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB.
BHPS will compete with Crayford and Dartford camera clubs for the Concorde Trophy on Tuesday 25th February at St Martin's Church Small Hall, Erith Road, Barnhurst DA7 6LE, starting at 8 pm. The selection committee has chosen the following 12 PDIs to represent BHPS. Please do come along if you can, and lend your support to our society.
Film Noir Sam– Ron Jarvis
Fire and Water – Wayne Daniels
I’m Tougher than I Look – Wayne Daniels
Demeter Goddess of Fertility – Paul Adams
Emperor Dragonfly – Sue North
Indian Elephant Dust Bath – Richard Winston
New York State of Mind – Paul Adams
It’s Raining Rust – Janet Kent
Sad News – Richard Winston
Ural Owl in Flight – Bill Metson
Tidal – Paul Bather
Walt Disney Concert Hall – Paul Bather
Once again BHPS was victorious in winning the Meinertzhagen trophy this year. This long-standing tripartite competition involves photographers from Aperture Woolwich Photographic Society, Dartford Camera Club, and ourselves. Our two best performing photographs, each scoring a maximum 20 points, are shown below and helped achieve an overall average of 18.222 to win the trophy.
On the left is Bill Metson's beautiful picture 'Ural Owl in Flight', while Paul Adam's equally stunning monochorme image 'San Franciso Impression' is on the right.
Well done to both and to all the photographers who entered photographs on the night.
Ural Owl in flight By Bill Metson
Demeter Goddess of Fertility – Paul Adams
Emporer Dragonfly – Sue North
Fire and Water – Wayne Daniels
I’m Tougher Than I Look – Wayne Daniels
Indian Elephant Dust Bath – Richard Winston
It’s Raining Rust – Janet Kent
Parkland Impression – Paul Bather
Sad News – Richard Winston
It would be great to have some support from club members on the day, so if you would like to come along here are the details:
The competition takes place on Saturday 22nd February 2020 between 2 and 5.30 pm at Ditton Community Centre, Kiln Barn Road, Ditton, Aylesford, Kent ME20 6QR. The judge will be Leo Rich DPAGB, APAGB, EFIAP/g, ARPS. There is a small entry fee to cover the cost of tea and biscuits.
BHPS had a very successful day at this year’s KCPA Annual Audio Visual Competition held at Leybourne Village Hall. The judge for the day was Gerald Kitiyakara LRPS. The competition attracted 44 entries from 29 members. Richard Martin’s “Ferrari under the Skin”, a record of a visit to an exhibition in London of Ferrari cars, gained him the “Best Sound” award. Peter Allen’s moving tribute to his brother “Bring Him Home” was chosen by the audience for the “Audience Vote”. Roger Stevens won the “Best Audio Visual" 2nd prize for his “Royal Hospital for Seamen Chapel”. This revealed the architecture and history of the Old Royal Naval College Chapel in Greenwich.
Bring Him Home
by Peter Allen
The Chapel of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, Greenwich by Roger Stevens
Richard Martin, Peter Allen and Roger Stevens with the KCPA President Tracy Hughes LRPS as they received their awards. Warmest congratulations to all!
Prints that have scored well (20 or 19) in club competitions are considered for entry by the selection committee. However, if you have a print that has not yet been in one of our own competitions but you think would do well, please let me have it so that the selection committee can decide whether to include it in our entry this year. The rules for the competition can be read on the KCPA website via this link:
Colin North (External Competition Secretary)
Update from Roger Stevens! BHPS has won the Ross Cup on 3 previous occasions since 1951 - in 1965, 1966 and 1991. Maybe it's about time we won it again!!
The competition is open to all BHPS members, who can submit up to three prints. Colin North needs your prints by 23rd September next, so he will label one of our rigid boxes with "Meinertzhagen Prints" Please be careful to avoid mixing them up with prints for other competitions, as happened last year. The Dobinson trophy is awarded each year to the author of the best print. Club member Roger Stevens currently holds this trophy.
]]>Each club will present 8 colour and 8 mono prints which will be scored out of 20 by an external judge. The photos representing BHPS are chosen by the club's selection committee. For future reference, all club members are eligible to submit photos for selection. These are generally pictures that have scored 20 or 19 points in BHPS club competitions.
San Francisco Impression
As a first step you must have the AFIAP distinction which is itself a daunting task.
For EFIAP you must gain at least 250 acceptances with at least 50 different photographs. ‘Acceptance’ meaning that a photograph has been chosen during a competition (salon) to be exhibited.
These acceptances must come from at least 30 different salons with FIAP Patronage.
The salons must be spread over at least 20 different countries.
At least 12 of your 50 photographs must have at least one acceptance as a print as well as being accepted as a PDI.
At least 2 of your pictures must each have received at least one award. (Gold Medal, Highly Commended, Ribbon, Certificate, etc.) The awards must have been gained in different salons and different countries.
Are you still with me? Well, that is just the first stage. Having achieved all of the above, and having kept meticulous spreadsheet records of your acceptances and awards along the way, you then move on to stage 2.
You now must submit a portfolio of 5 digital images to FIAP.
These photos must each have received at least 3 acceptances from different salons and must include at least 2 that have gained awards. They must also be different from the photos you had submitted to achieve the AFIAP distinction.
A contact sheet (part shown below) with thumbnails of all the accepted photos must also be sent to FIAP, along with a spreadsheet containing all accepted titles and the salons that accepted them.
Having done all this you wait anxiously to see if your 5 photos are accepted by FIAP as worthy of the award of Excellence.
It should also be said that there is a financial commitment involved too as entering your photos for the salon competitions costs around £20 per salon. So, massive CONGRATULATIONS to Ron for achieving this mammoth task.
Contact sheet showing 20 of the 50 accepted photographs needed to achieve EFIAP
Contact sheet showing 20 of Ron's accepted photographs.
Footnote: I am currently attempting to gain the AFIAP award and will be giving a presentation on this as part of the club programme for next year.
Congratulations to the 8 club members who had prints and/or PDIs accepted for this year’s KCPA Exhibition. A total of 31 pictures were accepted with 4 of these being Highly Commended. Photographers and titles below:
Highly Commended
Floral swirl - Creative
Richard Winston
Sad News - Mono PDI
Stan Spurling ARPS DPAGB
Padaung Woman, Burma - Portraiture Print
Rural Life - Open C Print
Michelle Hill
The Singing Scotsman - Portraiture Print
When sparks fly at work - Open C PDI
Mick Sadler ARPS
Close Up Beauty - Portraiture Print
Cold Misty Morning - Mono Print
Cross Dresser After Magritte - Creative Print
After the party - Open C PDI
Homo Sapiens - Creative
Railroad crossing Idaho - Mono PDI
Underground Poet - Portraiture Print
Paul Bather ARPS, AFIAP, BPE3
Broadstairs - Creative
City windows - Mono PDI
Grasstrack Race - Open C PDI
Sidecar Racers - Mono PDI
Walt DIsney Concert Hall - Open C PDI
Richard Martin
Altar And West Window - York Minster - Record Print
Birds Flock Over Budapest Parliament - Open C Print
Jack (And Jill) Daw (Corvus Monedula) - Nature Print
Young Urban Fox Twins - Nature Print
Richard Winston
Cheetah through the grass - Nature PDI
Green-crowned Brilliant female - Nature PDI
Roger Stevens ARPS DPAGB
Recently Restored Dome, Old Royal Naval College - Record Print
The Chapel of St Peter and St Paul, Greenwich completed in 1789 - Record Print
Stan Spurling ARPS DPAGB
Eastern Ascetic - Portraiture Print
Holy Man - Portraiture Print
Life Amongst The Ruins - Open C Print
Okunoin Cemetery, Japan - Mono Print
William Metson LRPS CPAGB
Failure To Communicate - Mono Print
The Altar. Ripon Cathedral - Record Print
The Cellarium, Fountains Abbey - Record Print
If you had a photo accepted or awarded in this year’s competition that is not included in the above list please let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks to Roger Stevens for providing the photo of Roger Titmuss opening the event, and to all those who attended the opening.
In February the Disabled Photographers’ Society, of which Paul is the General Secretary, celebrated its 50th Year with an exhibition at the new Library of Birmingham of winning photographs from its annual competition. Paul entered pictures in two sections, advanced print and advanced PDI. His print ‘Sex Versus Religion’ was runner up, while the PDI ‘Honour Guard Arlington’ was Highly Commended. The event was opened and awards presented by Charlie Waite, the Society’s patron and renowned landscape photographer.
The Disabled Photographers’ Society was established in Surrey in 1968 with an initial membership of 5 disabled photography enthusiasts. It now has over 500 members.
Peter receives his DPAGB award from KCPA president Tracy Hughes
2018 was a good year for Peter. His excellent Audio Visual celebrating the life and work of Giacomo Puccini, ‘A True Genius’, won the KCPA AV competition and the Audience Vote. It also won the Audience Vote at the East Anglia competition which includes counties beyond Kent. No surprise that this same AV won first place in our own AV competition the year before. The winning streak continued during 2018 as ‘A True Genius’ was also successful in winning the Audience Vote at the RPS International.
Peter’s skill at producing excellent AV presentations helped garner another prize when he applied for the DPAGB ward (Distinction of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain). Along with ‘A True Genius’ he entered his AV ‘The Quiet Man’ about Robert Hunter, the founder of the National Trust. Needless to say, he was successful and was presented with his DPAGB award by KCPA president Tracy Hughes (CPAGB LRPS BPE1*) at the KCPA Annual AV competition in January.
A much deserved accolade. Well done Peter!
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Forenames |
Distinctions |
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£60.00 Per member £100.00 Per couple
I enclose £ _______ as indicated above (please send cheques through the post, made payable to BHPS). Alternatively payment may be made by transfer to our bank at the following account:
Barclays Bank – Account name: BHPS – Sort Code 20-06-72 – Account Number: 10296864
Please tick if you do not agree with BHPS holding your name, telephone number, address and email for the Society’s use. Your details will NOT be passed on to third parties without you consent.
Please tick if you object to your work being copied for BHPS.
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In 3 round competitions my entries will be in Class 1
To kick off our News Blog, the first item celebrates Ron Jarvis's recent gold medal award.
Jode Ellen
Ron receives his gold medal from chairman Roger Titmuss
Congratulations to club member Ron Jarvis AFIAP on winning a gold medal from the Royal Bengal Art International Photography Salon. Ron was awarded the medal on 3rd September this year for his monochrome print of Jode Ellen, which also earned him an Honour Mention. The photograph will be included in Ron's submission to the Salon for the EFIAP award. For the uninitiated, me included, this acronym stands for 'Excellence Federation Internationale de L'Art Photographique' as opposed to 'Artiste' (AFIAP) which he currently holds. In order to achieve the new title Ron must present 250 PDIs and include a minimum of 12 prints. Photographers from around the world compete for honours in the FIAP competitions, with 30 international 'salons' in 20 different countries.
If you would like to see more of the award winning entries that Ron was competing with, please click on the link below which will take you to the Royal Bengal Art - 2018 awards results (and scroll down to page 111 for Ron's photo).