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Visitors 18
15 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

1st Place 20 Pts 'Spiked Shieldbug {Picromerus bidens) with sawfly larva prey' By Sue North2nd Place 20 Pts 'Marmalade fly (Episyrphus Balteatus)' By Mick Saddler3rd Place 20 Pts 'Gorilla lat Gorilla gorilla' By Bill Metson4th Place 19 Pts 'Squabbling Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris}' By Sue North1st Place 20 Pts 'Protesting the death in police custody of Iranian Mahsa Amini' By Danny Pearce2nd Place 20 Pts 'No Borders In the NHS' By Pauline Pearce3rd Place 20 Pts 'Mourning the 557 deaths linked to NHS privatisation' By Pauline Pearce4th Place 19 Pts 'Merseyside Pensioners Fight Back at NHS Rally' By Danny Pearce